Evan's Page


Evan Joseph Meder was born on June 13, 2004. He was 3 weeks early but still weighed 8 lbs 14 oz! He had tons of dark curly hair (by 5 months of age he had 5 hair cuts). Our family lives in Raleigh, NC: Margaret (mom and writer of this story), Randy (dad), Jonathan (big brother) and of course our adored newest addition, Evan.

My pregnancy had some minor complications but not enough to send up any red flags. I was glucose intolerant, also had some pretty significant back problems and developed quite a bit of excess amniotic fluid in the final months. While the excess fluid was a concern, nothing abnormal was found. So everybody was surprised when Evan was born with Apert Syndrome.

Evan's first days and weeks were a struggle for him. He was in the NICU in our local hospital with some breathing problems and fluid around his heart. He was quickly transferred to UNC hospitals in Chapel Hill for more specialized care. Gradually, over the course of about 10 weeks, various health conditions would arise and then pretty much resolve on their own. While the start of life was a challenge for Evan, he proved to be a "vigorous fighter" (as our hospital pediatrician described him). We were constantly saying prayers of thanks that his body seemed to heal itself.

Evan remains a vigorous baby - he has loved to be held in a standing position since he was 3 months old. I know that this vigor and strength will serve him well in the years to come.

The sweet and delightful personality that Evan possesses is a joy which words cannot describe. He smiles and laughs at any human interaction. He kicks and wiggles his whole body when he knows he is about to be picked up. We feel blessed by God to have this special baby in our lives. Our lives are enriched in a way we never dreamed possible.

Evan is lucky to have a gentle and loving big brother, Jonathan. Jonathan was just 27 months old when Evan was born. Randy and I were gone so much those first months and Jonathan took it all in stride. He is wonderful with Evan. Jonathan has delighted in holding Evan's hand ever since we brought him home. Often when we are out in the car I will find both of them asleep, with Jonathan holding Evan's hand.

We are now preparing for Evan's first surgery in Dallas. It is truly an incredible adventure that we have all embarked upon.


This page was created January 12, 2005

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All photos and text are the property of the families represented and Apert International, Inc., and may not be used without their consent.