Akeira's Page



Hello, my name is Sherina and i have a 6 month old daughter named Akeira. She is a wonderful little girl and has brought so much light to my life. She has already had her first skull surgery in November and has recovered greatly. She has to wear a plastic helmet 23 out of 24 hours a day, but hopefully it will only be until she is one. Her hand separation is set for around nine months of age, i am very excited to see how she reacts to them. She loves to look at anything that lights up, she could sit and stare at it making noises for hours. Recently she had discovered a way to grasp her foot and bring it to her mouth : ) As well as holding her own bottle, as soon as she found out how to do that, i was no longer allowed to hold it for her. She is already trying to be a big girl, even though she will always be my baby. I am blessed to have her in my life and I cant wait to see her grow and get to know my new little baby girl. I will update her information as she progresses throughout her years.

This page was created March 11, 2011

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