In the past 4 years since I have updated this page,
Emily has come a long way. She is now 5 and a half years old and attends
kindergarten daily. She is receiving occupational therapy, physical therapy and
speech in school, while enjoying time with her friends. She continues to amaze
us with her determination and zest to learn and to do things by herself.
Emily has had a total of 13 surgical procedures, including all of her finger
separations, including her thumbs; 2 cranial surgeries, eye muscle surgeries,
cleft palate repair and tonsils and adenoid surgery.
She continues to be an inspiration to all who know her. Below are some
updated photos of Emily doing some of her favorite things.




Emily Helen Krebs was born on July 26, 1997, after a very normal pregnancy.
She was born with all of the common anomalies of Apert Syndrome, as well
as with a cleft palate.
Here is a photo
of Emily in the NICU, where she stayed for 11 days until they were able
to get her to feed from a bottle. I remember the first time that I got
to hold her to feed her. I was amazed that she was able to squeeze
my fingers in between her thumb and hand. It was like our first connection.
Once we got her home we started the process of the doctor visits.
The doctors told us in the hospital that it was Apert Syndrome, which we
never heard of. Now we had to take her to all of the specialists
to get her checked out. This was a very stressful and emotional time
for our entire family. The excitement of having a child became overshadowed
with so many concerns for her health and well-being.
Emily had a craniotomy at 3 months of age to correct the coronal sutures
that were fused. She was in PICU for 5 days. Her head was very
swollen and her eyes were swollen shut for 2 days, and she had tubes coming
out of every part of her body. As every day went on, she improved
more and more and came home right on schedule. At 6 months she just had
ear tubes put in due to an excessive amount of fluid in her ears.
Emily got glasses at 7 months old because of strabismus as well as the
fact that the eye doctor said she sees everything blurry. I must
say she looks adorable in her glasses. At 9 months old Emily had
her cleft palate repaired. She can finally eat food without it coming
out of her nose. She only had to stay in the hospital one night and
recovered beautifully.
Emily is our
second child. Here is a photo of her with her big brother, Nicholas.
We all had to get used to having another child in the house, but Nicholas
adjusted well to his new role.
Here is a photo of our little angel at Christmas, as well as a photo
of the Krebs family; Brian, Janine, Nicholas and Emily.
Emily is a very happy, little girl with a great disposition. She
began sleeping through the night early, and has been keeping up with the
things her brother did at this age.
We have just celebrated Emily's first birthday and it was truly a very
emotional time for all of us, to have come so far in one year and to celebrate
everything that Emily has accomplished. Here is a picture of Emily
at 1 year old.
We are truly blessed to have her in our family.
One of the hardest things was to feel so secluded from the rest of the
world and not being able to gain information that would help Emily.
Thank you, Don, for creating Teeter's Page, and everyone who helps work
on it.
Brian, Janine, Nicholas & Emily Krebs
This page last updated April 20, 2003 |